Tag: Maths

How to Divide Fractions

A few weeks ago we learnt how to divide fractions.

The first step for dividing fractions is to write down your formula K.S.F (keep, switch and flip) When dividing fractions, you first need to flip the second set of numbers. Eg. (½ ➗ ⅔ into a ½ 3/2) The second step is to multiply the ½ and 3/2, in order to get the answer of ¾. (Simplify if possible.)

Six Day Transum

This week for my excellence badge I did six transum times tables.

For six days I would have to do six transum times tables, one for each day of the week. The times tables I did were the eleven and ten times tables. I chose these two because they’re the easiest for me in my opinion. The time I got for the ten times was 34 seconds for two, 31 seconds and 29 seconds. On my eleven tables I got twenty five and twenty six seconds.

Statistical Investigation Rivers

L.I: To read the text, gather,sort, graph and analyse the data

Today we made a statistical investigation.

The statistical investigation we made was about which of the top 6 rivers in Auckland were the shortest and which ones the longest. We first researched about the top 6 rivers in Auckland, (1-6) Tamaki river, Whanau river, Hotea river, Waitakere river, Puhoi river and Wairoa river. 

We then researched the length of each river, the Tamaki river is 15 km, Whanau River is 5.7 km, Hoteo river is 28 km, Waitakere river is 16 km, Puhei river is 13 km and Wairoa with 65 km.

With the data we gathered we analysed the shortest to longest rivers. The shortest river is the Whanau river, second shortest being Puhei, third shortest river is Tamaki, third longest is Waitakere river, second longest is Hoteo and the longest river is Wairoa.

Paper Airplane 

LI: To design and make a paper plane that will fly the furthest.

Today our team challenge was to create paper airplanes which we analysed, then flew. The planes we designed were darts, Tie Fighters, Birds and Deltry. Our group designed multiple planes to verify which of the planes flew the best. The plane that went the furthest was two dart planes Lastly we versed group by group and measured the flight distance accurately. 

I found this task great because we made paper airplanes which we would then face each other with.

Something we could improve on with our plane is the weight.


The Amazing Auckland Race

For maths we learnt more about time.

We were first taught about the days. There are 60 seconds which equals to 1 minute. 60 minutes equals 1 hours. 24 hours which equals 1 day. In a day there is a:m and p:m. P:m stands for past midnight and A:m stands for after midnight.

After learning about all of that we were instructed to get into groups and figure out multiple time questions that were about going to different countries (America, Japan, French, Brazil and Australia) and hotels. 

Finally we were instructed to make our own, but instead of doing it around the world, we had to do it in famous New Zealand places (Sky tower, Rainbows end, Maritime Museum, Butterfly creek, Auckland museum and  Auckland zoo).

This activity was interesting because we talked about famous places from New Zealand and about Rainbows End.

Reading For Pleasure

L.I To Identify the problem and suggest a solution.

We did a statistical investigation on reading.

This task is about if we read because we are forced to or if we are reading for pleasure so we asked multiple questions about it.

After analysing the data we realised that many people from LS2 don’t like receiving books as presents however there are a few people that do like receiving books as presents. Our solution is by buying books they are interested in. 

The data shows that very few people don’t think reading books helps you relax, nevertheless most people think that reading does help with relaxation. One way that we can show people that reading does help is by taking them to the library and showing them books that they would enjoy reading.The data also shows that there are less people reading a book for enjoyment that aren’t. We can solve this problem by showing them a variety of books they have never seen before, that might give them enjoyment.

This activity was interesting  because it showed us who likes reading and who doesn’t.


Social Media Investigation

LI: To plan and carry out a statistical investigation.

We did an statistical investigation on our social media.

For this activity we did a statistical investigation we ask people from LS2 about what they do use social media.
We asked questions like: what social media apps did you use, are you  13 or older and do you have parent permission.

The first graph it asks which social media apps do you spend your time on the most. A lot of people mostly spend their time on tiktok and youtube.

For the second graph the questions says do you make content on any social media apps?  8 people said yes and 18 people have said no. 

I enjoyed this because it explored more about what people do with social media

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