Cultural Superheroes

LI: To describe your superhero

Our challenge was to design a DLO of the story they are in using key vocabulary from all our T- shaped units to describe them and their attributes. We built on this challenge by creating a slide that explained who our superhero was, their backstory, what their strengths and weaknesses were and who their nemesis was. 

My superhero is Ja the Forest Gladiator. His backstory is that he accidentally murdered tons of animals (Soon after he then collects an emerald that controls nature) and people due to his recklessness with his powers in which he makes a vow to himself, to use his powers to protect others if its people or animals.

Ja’s strengths / abilities consist of Super Strength, Speed, Samina, Endurance, Durability and control nature to his will and Ja’s weaknesses are fire, animals and cages due to his trauma as a child.

I found this activity fun because we got to make a superhero that applies to our culture in which we also used A.I art.

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